so i forgot my camera back home and haven't been able to add any photos, so heres one i just took off my computer...
mom and i just had to chase a giant gecko out of the house with sticks (...that really did just happen)
we have been having fun out here so far, the weather has been beautiful, the waves have been hugggge, and we have had cholos 2 times already ( my favorite mexican restaurant in the world... after la fogatas)
miss and love you...
i can't believe you left your camera. is that the only thing you forgot? shoot. you really shruted that. y'all look tan. my skin is whiter than your teeth. miss and love you.
ummm... new pictures please...
i want to see how many messages i can leave on your blog before you get new pics
lynn's nails look long. have you clipped yours lately?
fact, you can just write about what you've been doing and not put up pics (since you don't have any)
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