well, sadly, all the sisters are back home now, heres a few more pics from the end of their trip. the first ones are from our fun night out to the ice skating rink. nicole, britt, sasha, mark and i all wanted to go bowling one saturday night, so we drove about 30 minutes away to try and go. every place we tried had about a 2 hour waiting list and it was already 9pm, so we decided we were going ice skating in hawaii, hah it ended up being a lot of fun! we also did a beach day at waimea and went snorkeling and paddled around on stand-up boards. im sad all the sisters are gone, we had a really fun trip...miss you girls!

britt ended up staying a few weeks longer than the other two girls and about 2 days after nicole and bri left, aamion came over here to oahu for the day to pick up his boat. we picked him up from the airport and on the way home decided we were going to fly back over to kauai with him later that afternoon. so we went home to drop aamion off so he could figure out the deal with his boat, and we went to the beach for the day. when we got back from the beach, we had about 10 minutes to pack a bag and head off to kauai. it was only a 30 minute flight and it was the most amazing trip for both of us. we stayed in aamion's house that he and his dad are building, right in haena, and got to meet a lot of awesome people. we definitely made lots of memories...and woke up to roosters at 5am every morning yelling"brittany diggggggssss", "happy birthdayyyyyyy" and "hey im not gayyyyyyyyyyyyy"

one of the first nights we were there, we went to the blessing of the Titus Kinimaka Quiksilver store opening (which was this big cookout that the whole town came out for). it was a lot of fun... music, food, dancing, and the cutest little boy named legend!

(about a week before little Given Pueo Goodwin is born!)

the day after the cookout, one of aamion's friends took me, britt and his dog, poke, on a hike to hanakapia falls. we figured it'd be a mellow little hike on a path to the falls, maybe 2 miles max....false. it was nearly 9 miles and we were literally hiking through the jungle...crossing rushing rivers, climbing up sides of the cliffs, it was crazy. but the falls were so amazing... breathtaking. on the way back, poor little poke was so tired that her muscles were shaking and we had to carrying her down parts! it was awesome

...we had no idea what we were getting ourselves into


look at poke's eyes... she could barely even keep them open on the way back

the beautiful na pali coast...

this last picture would be our board bag that we flew back over... the zipper completely broke and we had to cram both of our boards, all our wetsuits, and towels in and try and hold it together with duct tape. when we got to the airport, just as we are returning our rental car we notice that we accidently had taken gavin's comforter with us! so we had to undo the tape, somehow shove the comforter in with everything, tape it all back up and barely catch our plane! anyways it was the most amazing trip and i miss britt : (
hope all is well and ill update again soon!
dang, that was a really great blog! nice stories and pics. it looks so much like the obx, except it's green, hilly, blue and tropical. the adventures remind me of home... miss you.
your my best friends, thats all there is, your my best friend! you make me a better person.
your's truely!
yes yes, theee Chelzea Jonez
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