well i don't even know where to start... chelzea and i had so so much fun together! also we called her chelZea the whole time and introduced her to people as that. the week went by so fast but we did so mannyyy thinggss. we did plenty of beach days, and aamion came into town and took us out on his ski 2 days in a row and then went diving at sharks cove one night! we went all up and down the west side on the ski and went snorkeling really far out, chased humpback whales, and dolphins and i got to do tow-ins and step offs (where you jump off the ski into the wave and surf it)! after he left chel and i went to waikiki and went longboarding all day, she did REALLY good and caught waves by herself and rode them all the way in! chelly!! we had so much fun doing everything together and i am so so glad we got that time together. this is the first time in our whole lives that we don't live 1 minute away from one another, so its been pretty hard, so this was well-needed! mizz you chel!

we went snorkeling this day at puaena point and i tried to go surf afterwards but got about half way out when my friend paddled up to me and said there was a 17ft tiger shark eating a turtle about a mile out from the break! hah i got so scared that i ended up paddling right back in!

this is what my toe looked like after diving sharks cove... looks a lot worse than it really was tho!

...the ol' ski-arooski

proof that we wore our sunscreen

kelly kapowski.

waikiki longboarding day...

after we went longboarding, we went to the same sushi place chris and i went to, Momomo's. this time we got to sit on the floor in the "special" room, it was really good! (and i know we have makeup on... free makeover at macy's)

soo... we went to waimea valley one day thinking itd be pretty cool. false. all that was there was peacocks, everywhere. i dont know if you know how scared of birds chelsea is but peacocks... not for her. hah this guy was fronting on that poor little bird that didnt know what to do.

... and after seeing all the birds this is the only face we could make.
love you chel : )